
ReEngage Preview Meeting
Wednesday Night in Room 104 @ 6:15pm

If you have a few minutes watch the short video below and hear from couples who have been through ReEngage at their church (in Texas). Our preview classes meets every Wednesday night through September 1st. If you like what you see (and hear) you will want to be a part of a ReEngage Group that begins on Wednesday, Sept 15th. For more information click here!

Take A ReEngage Test Drive

ReEngage Preview is a chance for couples to "test drive" a ReEngage small group. Each week we'll watch a video testimony (see below) and then briefly talk about it. We'll then focus on a specific passage of scripture and talk about how it relates to building stronger marriages (scroll down for details).

Hope to see you this Wednesday at 6:15pm in Room 104

Weekly ReEngage Testimonies

Here is a short example of the testimony videos we watch in ReEngage. This story is a great example of how God used ReEngage (and the combination of God's Word and God's People) to strengthen a marriage (as well as other relationships).

FYI...the actual ReEngage class will begin in September. That's when we'll start walking through a 15-week workbook.

ReEngage Preview Scriptures and Topics
Here’s what we’ll be talking about in August during the preview meetings.

John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” For many couples, the answers to the struggles they face in marriage are often met with the following solutions: a) fix your spouse, or b) try harder yourself. These efforts are typically ineffective and many times lead to resentment and frustration due to unmet expectations.

Luke 9:24  “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.“
Proverbs 13:12  “Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but a desired fulfilled is a tree of life.”
Expectations are beliefs about the way things will be or should be—including behaviors, roles, life and death, relationships and so forth. Expectations that are not met lead to feelings of:    sadness >> disappointment >>> frustration >>>> ANGER

James 1:19 My dear brothers, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak & slow to become angry.  There are four negative communication patterns that everyone tends to fall into…and if you turn them into an acronym, it spells WENI. It’s not the greatest acronym, but it does make it easier to remember: when communicating with your spouse, don’t be a WENI. Be aware of what your tendencies are, recognize when you are falling into those traps, and take steps to overcome them. The four negative communication patterns we will discuss are: W – Withdraw, E – Escalate, N – Negatively Interpret, and I - Invalidate