We have just remodeled 33,000 square feet of our building and made it so much more kid friendly. We are truly blessed to have state of the art facilities, and we plan to use them for God’s glory. We would love for you to come check out all that God …

We are truly blessed to have state of the art facilities that were designed with kids in mind, and we plan to use them for God’s glory. We would love for you to come check out all that God is doing here in and through the Faith Kids Ministry.

Here at Faith we truly love kids and do everything we can to love kids and teach them about Jesus.  The mission of Faith Kids is to lead children to begin, build, and broaden a relationship with Christ, through the teaching of biblical truths in a loving, caring, and high energy environment.  We do this through a number of ministries and with the help of an amazing team.

If you are planning to visit us, you can Pre-register your family, to help streamline the check-in process, by clicking the button below.

Sunday Kids Church - 10:30am

Wednesday Night Faith Groups - 6:15pm

Parent Resources

App Store

Google Play

Click the links above to download the app for FREE

Click the above picture for more info on how to connect to our church once you have downloaded the app

If you need more help please contact Andy or Jen. We look forward to partnering with you and helping equip you to lead your children in their relationship with Christ.

Faith Kids Calendar

Have Questions or Comments? Fill out form below

follow Faith Kids on facebook or Instagram For Updates



Faith Baptist church offers a loving, caring, and safe nursery for your kids ages birth to 3 years while you attend service. 

Faith Kids Church Sunday Mornings 10:30am

We offer kids church for Pre-K and Kindergarten aged kids and for 1st – 5th graders.  Faith Kids Church is designed to teach kids what it truly means to follow Jesus.  We do this through high-energy praise and worship, and solid biblical teaching. With the use of creative and fun small groups, wild games, and cool object lessons; kids are better able to grasp God’s Word.  Our goal is that your children will have fun and want to come back to learn more about God.

Faith Groups - Wednesday Nights 6:15PM

Faith Groups are offered for ages 2 years old to 5th grade.  During this time, your kids are taught biblical truths at age-appropriate levels.  This is designed to help them learn more about God’s word and develop a deeper understanding of God’s love for them.

Bus Ministry

Bus Min ad wide.jpg

Faith Baptist offers a bus ministry on Wednesday’s evenings.  We will pick up your kids for church and drop them off after church.  If you are interested in your children riding with our bus ministry please text or call Ms. Jen at (575) 914-0666 to have your children added to our route.