Our purpose here is to help people go from where they are to where God wants them to be….and that means we’re ready to minister to you and your family, no matter your background or situation. If you are reading this, maybe you’re a newcomer to our church. Or maybe you’re a new follower of Jesus. We’ve put together a booklet to encourage you in your faith. Here are the questions that will be addressed in the booklet:
How does someone become a follower of Jesus?
How confident can I be that Jesus really saves…because sometimes I don’t feel saved?
Now that I’m saved, how do I live by faith and walk by faith throughout the week?
What role should “the church family” play in my spiritual growth?
I’m struggling through some rough times right now. How do I look to God in difficult times?
What does the Bible teach about baptism and why is it important?
How does someone become a member of Faith Baptist Church?
Just stop by the church office during the week or by the Welcome Center before or after a service and ask for a Next Steps Booklet. We love helping people grow in their faith and we hope and pray that God will use a little Next Steps Booklet to encourage you to take big steps of faith in your spiritual journey.