Church Center App


Here are instructions on setting up and using the Church Center app on your phone.

Step 1: Download and Install the Church Center App

Search your app store for “Church Center” or go to the Android or iOS app link.

  • Download and install the app

  • Run the app and click on “Get Started”

  • Allow Church Center to find our church. To do so, either:

  • Allow it to access your location & click “Faith Baptist Church”
     OR search for our church by entering “Faith Baptist Church” and use the zip code “88210”

  • Click on our  church logo and select “This is my church”

  • Enter your phone number. Use the phone number you have provided us for the church directory, and one that allows text messaging.

  • Church Center will text you a login code. Enter the login code in the app to continue to set up your password.

  • Click on your user profile to log in. You may optionally set up fingerprint scanning to login faster.

That’s it! You are all set up. From this point on, you should be logged in and you won’t need to perform these steps again.

Main Functions

Home: provides our basic church information

Check-In: The easiest way to check in the whole family for Sunday service, Sunday School, and other events. Click the button, click on the service (usually Sunday service), click on the family members checking in, and click Check-In and you're done!

Groups: Here is where you can find more information about small groups we offer. It’s also where you go to connect with the people in groups that you join.

 Me: View/Update your information, view your giving history and update your payment information, check out the services you are volunteering for, and more!